ADiGator is a source transformation via operator overloading tool for the automatic differentiation of mathematical functions written in MATLAB. Given a user written file, together with information on the inputs of said file, ADiGator uses forward mode automatic differentiation to generate a new file which contains the calculations required to compute the numeric derivatives of the original user function. Furthermore, these calculations are written entirely in the native MATLAB language, and thus the process may be repeated to obtain nth order derivative files. The package is particularly appealing for applications where the same derivative must be found at multiple different points, i.e. non-linear root finding/optimization, stiff ode integration, etc.


  • Generates derivative files for matrix functions of matrices
  • Can generate nth-order derivative files
  • Vectorized differentiation of vectorized function files such as those used in collocation methods
  • Usable on any platform on which MATLAB is installed

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GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)

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Intended Audience

Science/Research, Engineering

Programming Language


Related Categories

MATLAB Simulation Software, MATLAB Mathematics Software, MATLAB Mechanical and Civil Engineering Software

